Anna Koshmal
Anna Koshmal born in Kyiv on 22nd October 1994. Anna Koshmal is 27 years older. Internet has no information regarding her siblings or parents. Anna Koshmal comes from Ukrainian heritage, and adheres to the Christian religion. Anna Koshmal is worth an estimated $2 million. The actress earns her income through acting in various films and TV series. Anna claims that she is a model for a variety of magazines. Anna Koshmal dreamed of becoming an artist since she was six years old. She was not sure about what she should do. She took numerous painting lessons throughout her childhood. Anna was also a dancing and vocal lessons. Anna is an outstanding painter. Komal spoke about her talent to paint in numerous interviews. Her parents made her enroll in a theater school named Republic Kids after two months of studying. As a result, she was able to learn more about theater as well as drama in general when she completed her studies in drama and theatre. When she completed her theater studies as well as studying singing in pop with L. I. Utyosov. At the end of the day the film's cast chose her to star in their production following her graduation. Check out the story! Anna Koshmal, then 17 years old, was contacted at the age of 17 by Kvartal 95 Studio. When she was a student in Republic Kids she was approached. The studio's agents recognized her talent as an actor. When the agents came to her, she was unsure of idea of the role she was going for. She didn't do anything but sing songs she had learned and do a little acting in front of the agents. Her agency approved her almost quickly. Her first appearance on an acting series was Match Makers.

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